Photo Gallery
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Yard of the Month Program (YOM)
The purpose of the Yard of the Month program is to promote goodwill and recognize and support RCHA residents who demonstrate exemplary efforts in maintaining their homes and yards to enhance the overall appearance of the entire community. The program will be managed by the ROSS and Housing Department. RCHA will choose up to four (4) yards per month, one at each complex that exemplify curb appeal, beauty, thereby contributing to the overall appearance of the community at large.
Cookies with the Grinch
Residents enjoyed cookies with the grinch in December 2023!

Holiday Door Contest 2023
Residents participated in the 2023 Holiday Door Contest!

RCRHA's 55th Anniversary Celebration
Robeson County Housing Authority celebrated its 55th Anniversary on November 2, 2023.

RCHA's 2023 Strategic Planning Retreat
Pirates of the Carolinas Crusading into Uncharted Waters!

Tic-Tok Party
Residents from Benton Court in Rowland, NC enjoyed a Tic-Tok party hosted by RCHA. We had some fun in the sun! Thanks to all Fire Departments had participated in Rowland and Red Springs.

Humana Bingo
Our Residents enjoyed Humana Bingo Night on March 9th.

Valentine's Day Love at Benton Court
Madison Hallman, ROSS Coordinator at RCHA sharing some Valentine’s Day Love at Benton Court, Rowland.

Barbara Huggins Retires
Ms. Barbara Huggins retired January 2023 after 27 Years of Service.

Lacy Lambert Retires
Mr. Lacy Lambert retired August 2022 after 22 Years of Service.

Pam Hunt Retires
Ms. Pam Hunt retired July 2022 after 9 Years of Service.

CARES Act Funding for Residents
RCHA used CARES Act funding to provide resources for Residents during the COVID-19 pandemic.